
Showing posts from November, 2017

Day 58 - Another One

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz. Sound familiar? Bet you see the same intro tomorrow. With those pleasantries out of the way, we started class immediately in the new class format where Mr. Profitt lectures up until the literal last possible second we can start out Clicker Quiz and finish on time. Generally, I like this because he often goes over information we need to know for clicker quizzes/reading quizzes/mastery exams/life, but I would appreciate him fielding a few questions from the study guide and allowing us to have some table team time, even if it's only 5-10 minutes. We talked about the Byzantines, which also included the Eastern Europe area and modern day Russia, as they were both influenced by the Byzantines. We then went over how Eastern Rome changed its name to the Byzantine(s) because they created the new capital of Constantinople the West Part of Rome just couldn't keep grips on Eastern Rome so they slipped out of their grasp like a greasy fish. Fun Fa...

Day 57 - Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz. We started class off like usual with four minutes of review, but then after that we took a slightly diverging path. Mr. Profitt started teaching a lesson related to Islam, but mainly going over the "r" he used in order to indicate Muslim cities and to show change. This may seem confusing if you weren't in class today, but essentially it was a way to view the progression of Islam's capital cities by putting mecca at the bottom of the r and then moving on from there. We also mentioned the caliphs of Islam, or political/religious leaders. Remember that Abu Bakr was the first, and then the fourth was Ali. Anyways, while I won't go into too much detail about exactly what we talked about as it was mainly reviewing/emphasizing certain points, here's what i took away from class today: 1. It really wasn't a global dark age. 2. Muslims were very prosperous in terms of new technological advances. 3. Example of this wo...

Day 56 - Reading Quiz

Today in WHAP we took our chapter 9 reading quiz. We started class off just like usual with table team reviews. We went around the room and asked some questions, pretty basic stuff. There was a question about the treatment of woman in Islam, to which the short answer is that they certainly were considered lesser than men but they still had some rights, for sure more than Song China. Then someone else asked for an HTS for a certain key term which currently escapes me, and then we got on with what we came there to do. We then took the quiz. I felt pretty good about it. I would have rather had a different HTS but I suppose it wouldn't be an AP class if it was easy.  Anyway, with that the bell rang and we were dismissed. Seems like Monday was a pretty HW heavy night, so rest up for Wednesday when all those tests return.

Day 55 - Should I freak out for finals?

Today in WHAP we went over some stuff for the final and reviewed a bit for the quiz tomorrow. We started class of by going over where to find the finals review, and then going over some resources. We ended up spending a large majority of class on this. To summarize a few things we talked about, we talked about how for our LEQ it will most likely be a causation argument and hint, it will most likely be related to Islam. We kind of know everything about the exam's length and such, and if you don't it's on Moodle, but Mr. Profitt mentioned how often times people's hands tend to tired and sore because of all the writing one must do. I'm not worried about this as my hand/wrist muscles are uber-strong due to my bowling training. Long story short, I could complete this exam 20 times and still not be physically tired. He also said how this is a final which will take the full time, so no ducking out and leaving early once that first hour is up. We also went over our De...

Day 54 - Master Notes

I recently undertook the O-Points project with the master notes, so here are my notes from chapter 9. Master Notes Hope the waning hours of break are treating you well!

Day 53 - Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz. First, we started out in table team reviews like always and we did the whole ask/teach procedure, while watching a clip from Aladdin. After this, Mr. Profitt went around the room asking if tables had questions. My table had a question about the influence of Mansa Musa and Europe. Long story short, conclusions can be drawn that African societies had interactions with Afro Eurasian Societies. We went around the room asking more questions, and we did this until there were roughly 30 seconds left in class. Then, Mr. Profitt gave us the Clicker Quiz in the waning moments of class, and we all rushed to complete it so we wouldn't be late for our next class. It doesn't look like we got the bonus this time unless we are really lucky, but it seemed like some of the students were struggling with time constraints and as a result had to make some snap decisions with little to no thought put into the correct answer.  After this we, all scrambled ...

Day 52 - Islam Continued

Today in WHAP we continued our notes over Islam. We summed up our notes from last time by mentioning how Islam is an Abrahamic religion with Judeo-Christian roots, how Muslims believe in the Torah/Bible/Quoran, and how they have a special position in society for Jews/Christians. After that, we moved onto more pressing matters, and started the notes. To summarize, we went over the beginnings of Mohammad. Essentially, he had a rather normal life until he was 40, and then he had an encounter with the archangel Gabriel, which led to him spreading this message around, attacking social norms at the time, and generally angering a large amount of people. He fled because of this anger, and then reached Medina where everyone kind of idolized him, and they were supportive of him. We then talked about the Bedouin, or nomadic people of Yemen. We then brainstormed in our table teams three characteristics of nomadic societies as a review, and we came up with 1. Small groups 2. Not as patri...

Day 51 - Islam

Today in WHAP we talked about Islam. First, Mr. Profitt was back today and with him he brought the LEQs! Revisions are due after Thanksgiving break, so add to the growing load of work to be done over "break". Complaints aside, we started class by going into our table teams and comparing key points from video, which were all essentially the same since the video divided the information pretty clearly. We shared this with the class, then moved on to some notes We then moved on to taking notes on Islam. To summarize, Islam is an Abrahamic religion, they believe in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quoran, and they are monotheistic. We didn't get very far through the notes today because of the 37 minute period, but the one thing I took away from these notes was just how similar the two religions are. Sure, they only believe in one God and no divine mediator is needed to reach salvation, but I think an argument could be constructed that argues that Catholics only have one God...

Day 50 - Vikings

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz and watched a video. First, we took the quiz. Mr. Profitt wasn't here, so Dougie gave us some review time and then we started the quiz. No idea if we got the bonus or not. Then we watched a video over various things. Some of the major takeaways I had were: 1 - Muslim scholars were very important to scientific/mathematics advancement at the time and still have influence today due to many of their discoveries. Because they would put it all on the line for a theory, they made many extraordinary discoveries. 2 - Vikings were very brutish fellows but were pivotal in their role as explorers as they helped to lift Europe out of the Dark Age. 3 - Gold was very valuable (obviously) and at the time was very difficult and dangerous to mine, thus why it was a symbol of wealth. With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!

Day 49 - Another day, another reading quiz

Today in WHAP we took our reading quiz over chapter 8. Today we did a different sort of review were we all just fired off questions at Mr. Profitt and he attempted to answer as many as he could within the time constraints. Once he finished fielding those questions, he handed out the questions and we began. It wasn’t too difficult as we were VERY well prepared for our SARS as they were over the discussion we had yesterday. The multiple choice questions weren’t too bad and I think I finagled a good HTS. If you check RangerNet right now you can see your LE... never mind. We finished class right on the bell and were then dismissed. For HW this weekend we have a crash course video along with some strayer. Until Monday!

Day 48 - China

Today in WHAP we had a debate in which we argued over which civilization China affected the most. First, Mr. Profitt picked his person to type up the whole debate, or to be the scribe. Despite raising my hand I was not chosen. Not mad, just disappointed. I suppose I'll let my 100wpm and 98% accuracy speak for itself from here. We went right into debating once class started, and after a poor point by team Vietnam, my team, Team Korea was up to bat. Nichols and Pattee mainly carried our argument by using some of the points they had researched the night before. After we mad our argument, the other teams, Steppes and Japan, made their arguments. I won't spend time going over all the minute details of the debate as      a. Everything we talked about is straight out of Strayer      b. There isn't really a correct answer, you can't definitively pick which one was most affected The debate ended with Garrett's group, I think they were Japan, winning the de...

Day 47 - WHAP and... Rhetoric?

Today in WHAP we continued the discussion from yesterday and took a clicker quiz.  So most of you reading this may have been thinking that class started right on time, right after the bell rang just like it usually does. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case today as Mr. Profitt was tardy to class by several minutes. He claimed to have "lost track of time" because the bells weren't working today, but on my way to class I'm pretty sure I saw him in the info commons frantically filling out the Crash Course study guide from last night... Once Mr. Profitt finally walked into class, he immediately showed us a summary of some of his points from yesterday to clarify what he meant in the lecture. He opened the floor for discussion, and a few people had an opinion about what he said, and it seemed like we were about to be done with the topic when a response from a classmate justified a response from Garrett Nagorzanski '20, Debater Extraordinaire. Garrett counte...

Day 45

Today in WHAP we talked about some of the problems which have been plaguing the class of 2020. We mainly were talking about a student, I think you know who, who was recently expelled from the school. Mr. Profitt was mentioning some of his personal experiences from when he was our age, using an example where one of his friends passed away due to drunk driving. To sum up our discussion, essentially several people felt that those who are doing things they shouldn't are in different groups, or "the popular group", so if you aren't in that group you won't know who's doing those things. HW is strayer and a CC video. The bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!

Day 44 - Review

Today in WHAP we reviewed over Period 3. First, we went over the agenda. Notable things are a reading quiz on Friday, Strayer scattered throughout the week, and a debate taking place on Wednesday/Thursday. The first thing I noticed when I walked into class was Mr. P's fresh cut, so that was a good start to class. Mr. Profitt then said that he would try and have our LEQ's done by Wednesday. He stated the reason for being unable to grade them this weekend was his wife was sick/had a large quantity of work so he was essentially a single-dad and had other duties to do. On an unrelated note, I heard from an anonymous source that it was Mr.Profitt's turn to pick for movie night this weekend, and for his choice he chose to watch Crash Course World History.... I won't judge. After the agenda we did a brainstorming activity where we had to think of 3 major themes of Period three and then three major themes representing China. After we had shared these in table teams, we we...

Day 43 - Reading Quiz

Today in WHAP we took our Chapter 7 reading quiz. First, we started class off a bit differently today then we normally do. First, we used the questions that we spawned yesterday in that Mr. Profitt went around and found the ones he saw recurring and then answered them. After he answered a few questions, he opened the floor up for some questions from the audience, and we fired a few "How would you do a HTS on..." at him. He then said he would do one more questions from anyone, waited about five seconds, and then moved on to hand out the quiz. For the record, I almost raised my hand to ask about what ended up being our given HTS during that time, but Mr. Profitt moved a little bit too fast for me to ask. After we took the quiz we went over the multiple choice questions in the waning minutes of class, and if you were in class today you know I got one wrong for sure :/ HW for this weekend is reading Strayer and finishing up/starting test corrections. With that, the bell...

Day 42 - Reading Quiz Prep

Today in WHAP we did some activities. First, Mr. Profitt had to go off and frolic somewhere before class, so he left us with the parting words of "Think of 3 questions about Chapter 7 that you don't understand", and then walked out the door. We thought of the questions, then Mr. Profitt returned and had each table collaborate and think of an overall three questions. After we finished brainstorming the best possible three questions, Guy went to go write them on the board. While he was writing that, Mr. Profitt gave the rest of us the opportunity to study, so I was able to get my studying for the quiz done during that time. After this, Mr. Profitt bounced back to the notes about trade. He continued his example from yesterday, with the blacksmith and such, and made the point of that a universal currency is needed so that people who have goods that no one else may want (dirty clothes) can still trade to get things they need. It was around this time that Mr. Profitt st...

Day 41 - A Farmer, a Blacksmith, and a Tailor walk into a bar

Today in WHAP we took another Clicker Quiz. We started today off like we normally do on quiz days, in table teams, frantically reviewing all the data on the study guide in order to prepare for the clicker quiz. We then took the quiz, and I'm pretty sure that we got those coveted bonus points again for the quiz. Keep up the good work 6th. After we took the quiz, we started to continue our notes about how trade is successful, from yesterday. You can see a summary of those on yesterdays blog. Mr. Profitt started creating this scenario where Jacob was a farmer with chickens, Scheibe a tailor with "dirty" clothes, and Nickols a blacksmith. Mr. Profitt said how the word "dirty" according to some seniors, means cool or neat-o. Then he proceeded to emphasize how "dirty" Scheibe's clothes were. For some reason I feel like the seniors didn't actually say that and he was just taking some shots at Scheibe, but that's just a hypothesis. The bell...