Day 41 - A Farmer, a Blacksmith, and a Tailor walk into a bar

Today in WHAP we took another Clicker Quiz.

We started today off like we normally do on quiz days, in table teams, frantically reviewing all the data on the study guide in order to prepare for the clicker quiz. We then took the quiz, and I'm pretty sure that we got those coveted bonus points again for the quiz. Keep up the good work 6th.

After we took the quiz, we started to continue our notes about how trade is successful, from yesterday. You can see a summary of those on yesterdays blog.

Mr. Profitt started creating this scenario where Jacob was a farmer with chickens, Scheibe a tailor with "dirty" clothes, and Nickols a blacksmith. Mr. Profitt said how the word "dirty" according to some seniors, means cool or neat-o. Then he proceeded to emphasize how "dirty" Scheibe's clothes were. For some reason I feel like the seniors didn't actually say that and he was just taking some shots at Scheibe, but that's just a hypothesis.

The bell rang right after Mr. Profitt assigned roles, so we didn't really see what the point of the whole thing was, but I'm sure it will be continued tomorrow.

Until Tomorrow!


  1. No. They really use the word dirty to describe awesomeness. I did not make that up. Nor was I taking a shot at Scheibe.


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