Day 51 - Islam

Today in WHAP we talked about Islam.

First, Mr. Profitt was back today and with him he brought the LEQs! Revisions are due after Thanksgiving break, so add to the growing load of work to be done over "break".

Complaints aside, we started class by going into our table teams and comparing key points from video, which were all essentially the same since the video divided the information pretty clearly. We shared this with the class, then moved on to some notes

We then moved on to taking notes on Islam. To summarize, Islam is an Abrahamic religion, they believe in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quoran, and they are monotheistic. We didn't get very far through the notes today because of the 37 minute period, but the one thing I took away from these notes was just how similar the two religions are. Sure, they only believe in one God and no divine mediator is needed to reach salvation, but I think an argument could be constructed that argues that Catholics only have one God, referencing the mystery of the trinity.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Enjoy your I-Day as we enter the final stretch before break!


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