Day 49 - Another day, another reading quiz

Today in WHAP we took our reading quiz over chapter 8.

Today we did a different sort of review were we all just fired off questions at Mr. Profitt and he attempted to answer as many as he could within the time constraints. Once he finished fielding those questions, he handed out the questions and we began.

It wasn’t too difficult as we were VERY well prepared for our SARS as they were over the discussion we had yesterday. The multiple choice questions weren’t too bad and I think I finagled a good HTS.

If you check RangerNet right now you can see your LE... never mind.

We finished class right on the bell and were then dismissed. For HW this weekend we have a crash course video along with some strayer.

Until Monday!


  1. It's kind of weird that you skipped days a few days back - I think you should be on Day 48 : - ).


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