Day 58 - Another One

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz. Sound familiar? Bet you see the same intro tomorrow.

With those pleasantries out of the way, we started class immediately in the new class format where Mr. Profitt lectures up until the literal last possible second we can start out Clicker Quiz and finish on time. Generally, I like this because he often goes over information we need to know for clicker quizzes/reading quizzes/mastery exams/life, but I would appreciate him fielding a few questions from the study guide and allowing us to have some table team time, even if it's only 5-10 minutes.

We talked about the Byzantines, which also included the Eastern Europe area and modern day Russia, as they were both influenced by the Byzantines. We then went over how Eastern Rome changed its name to the Byzantine(s) because they created the new capital of Constantinople the West Part of Rome just couldn't keep grips on Eastern Rome so they slipped out of their grasp like a greasy fish.

Fun Fact: Eastern Rome was the wealthy side of Rome.

We then went over the Germanic people who moved into Rome as a result of being driven downwards by the Huns. They were essentially the army, but then Rome was rather racist towards them, so then finally one Germanic leader who had progressed all the way to legionnaire had had enough, and someone was going to have to pay...and pay they did. Rome was destroyed, which caused large amounts of unrest and having many different emperors try to take over Rome, much like in the CC video.

We then took the quiz, and then the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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