Day 42 - Reading Quiz Prep

Today in WHAP we did some activities.

First, Mr. Profitt had to go off and frolic somewhere before class, so he left us with the parting words of "Think of 3 questions about Chapter 7 that you don't understand", and then walked out the door. We thought of the questions, then Mr. Profitt returned and had each table collaborate and think of an overall three questions.

After we finished brainstorming the best possible three questions, Guy went to go write them on the board. While he was writing that, Mr. Profitt gave the rest of us the opportunity to study, so I was able to get my studying for the quiz done during that time.

After this, Mr. Profitt bounced back to the notes about trade. He continued his example from yesterday, with the blacksmith and such, and made the point of that a universal currency is needed so that people who have goods that no one else may want (dirty clothes) can still trade to get things they need.

It was around this time that Mr. Profitt started talking about World of Warcraft and attempting to relate the in-game currency to the above example. You could tell he was excited when talking about his precious games by the gleam in his eye. I didn't quite realize that he played games other than Civ 6, but we learn new things every day in WHAP.

He then started to talke about Marco Polo, and how his story isn't necessarily 100% verifiable, so it may not be true... but still you should watch the show on Netflix because you can get O-Points by doing a project on it or Robin Hood with Morgan Freeman.

As he was trying to talk about Marco, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!

P.S. I noticed we've been on a hot streak with quizzes, always getting the bonus points. What are the chances that we get that for the quiz tomorrow :) Make sure to review well, let's make it happen


  1. It's impressive that you can get all of your studying for the quiz done in a few minutes!

  2. For the record, I have never played World of Warcraft. But I read the Economist magazine which had wonderful analysis of these online markets and currencies that haven taken on real monetary value as people try to game these games. Civ on the other hand, well, let's just say I love those games!


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