Day 57 - Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz.

We started class off like usual with four minutes of review, but then after that we took a slightly diverging path.

Mr. Profitt started teaching a lesson related to Islam, but mainly going over the "r" he used in order to indicate Muslim cities and to show change. This may seem confusing if you weren't in class today, but essentially it was a way to view the progression of Islam's capital cities by putting mecca at the bottom of the r and then moving on from there.

We also mentioned the caliphs of Islam, or political/religious leaders. Remember that Abu Bakr was the first, and then the fourth was Ali.

Anyways, while I won't go into too much detail about exactly what we talked about as it was mainly reviewing/emphasizing certain points, here's what i took away from class today:

1. It really wasn't a global dark age.
2. Muslims were very prosperous in terms of new technological advances.
3. Example of this would be the House of Wisdom.

The one thing I found interesting was how both the House of Wisdom and the Library of Alexandria were destroyed. I don't think ironic is the right word, but it does seem kind of weird and very unfortunate that both of these places full of knowledge were both destroyed.

We took the clicker quiz, no bonus today. With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!

-Don't forget to watch those other CC videos for the rest of the week!


  1. Again, just my two cents, the job is to try to elaborate "details" if you can. So saying, "Anyways, while I won't go into too much detail about exactly what we talked about as it was mainly reviewing/emphasizing certain points.", in some ways defeats the greatest educational benefit you can get from the blog. On the other hand, I realize you have time constraints and you did focus on what you thought were key ideas. My point is that the more detailed you can get, the better! But I'll stop beating this dead horse. ;-)


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