Day 52 - Islam Continued

Today in WHAP we continued our notes over Islam.

We summed up our notes from last time by mentioning how Islam is an Abrahamic religion with Judeo-Christian roots, how Muslims believe in the Torah/Bible/Quoran, and how they have a special position in society for Jews/Christians.

After that, we moved onto more pressing matters, and started the notes.

To summarize, we went over the beginnings of Mohammad. Essentially, he had a rather normal life until he was 40, and then he had an encounter with the archangel Gabriel, which led to him spreading this message around, attacking social norms at the time, and generally angering a large amount of people. He fled because of this anger, and then reached Medina where everyone kind of idolized him, and they were supportive of him.

We then talked about the Bedouin, or nomadic people of Yemen. We then brainstormed in our table teams three characteristics of nomadic societies as a review, and we came up with

1. Small groups
2. Not as patriarchal in comparison to agricultural societies
3. Tendency to move around often and spread cultural ideas.

What I took away from today was some knowledge on the general background and history that surround Islam. We didn't go over too much today in class, I feel like everyone has kinda checked out before break. I'm certainly looking forward to some relaxation, but it seems like every class all of a sudden has some project or assignment to give out now.


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