Day 55 - Should I freak out for finals?

Today in WHAP we went over some stuff for the final and reviewed a bit for the quiz tomorrow.

We started class of by going over where to find the finals review, and then going over some resources. We ended up spending a large majority of class on this. To summarize a few things we talked about, we talked about how for our LEQ it will most likely be a causation argument and hint, it will most likely be related to Islam.

We kind of know everything about the exam's length and such, and if you don't it's on Moodle, but Mr. Profitt mentioned how often times people's hands tend to tired and sore because of all the writing one must do. I'm not worried about this as my hand/wrist muscles are uber-strong due to my bowling training. Long story short, I could complete this exam 20 times and still not be physically tired. He also said how this is a final which will take the full time, so no ducking out and leaving early once that first hour is up.

We also went over our December point curve, which will add some points to our grade. If you get a 49, you will pass, with a nice 70. Hooray.

With the waning minutes of class we went over some items about Islam for the reading quiz tomorrow. I personally didn't take much away from class today that I didn't already know, and quite frankly feel that the time was slightly wasted, as going over the exam is something we've done at least once in the class, which should be enough, not to mention that everything is literally on Moodle so even if one was confused they could see on there. Just my two cents on the matter, I understand that others in class may be feeling anxious about the exam, but I feel like we should be addressing the problem at hand, or the reading quiz, rather than going over something which is a while away.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed.

Until Tomorrow!


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