Day 47 - WHAP and... Rhetoric?

Today in WHAP we continued the discussion from yesterday and took a clicker quiz. 

So most of you reading this may have been thinking that class started right on time, right after the bell rang just like it usually does. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case today as Mr. Profitt was tardy to class by several minutes. He claimed to have "lost track of time" because the bells weren't working today, but on my way to class I'm pretty sure I saw him in the info commons frantically filling out the Crash Course study guide from last night...

Once Mr. Profitt finally walked into class, he immediately showed us a summary of some of his points from yesterday to clarify what he meant in the lecture. He opened the floor for discussion, and a few people had an opinion about what he said, and it seemed like we were about to be done with the topic when a response from a classmate justified a response from Garrett Nagorzanski '20, Debater Extraordinaire. Garrett counteracted some of his classmates point in what appeared to be his 1NC and then went on the offensive as he respectfully explained some of his opinions from his blog entry last night (Click Here For Entry) to Mr. Profitt and the class.

This sparked the beginning of a recurring theme in today's class, where Garrett would say something, Mr. Profitt would respond, then Garrett said something else, Mr. Profitt said something, and so forth. I won't spend time going over what we talked about as very little fresh material was added to the discussion from yesterday, but if you are interested in reading into the discussion, however, click on the link for Garrett's blog entry from yesterday where he states his opinions and then conveniently Mr. Profitt responds to Garrett in the comments section so both sides of the discussion can be emphasized.

The points made in class today were helpful in that they clarified some of the information from yesterday and really emphasized potential solutions to help alleviate some of the problems plaguing Jesuit. I enjoy a good debate as much as the next guy, but I personally felt like today's class discussion became a bit repetitive on both sides, especially towards the end of the period. Don't get me wrong, I took away some important morsels of information and had some reiterated for me, but after coming from that Chemistry Test my patience/yearn to learn mentally wasn't as high as it normally is and it certainly seemed to me that towards the end the same points kept being made just in slightly different formats. Since I figured out in the CQ today that Mr. Profitt is acquainted with the office, I threw in a relatable meme for him in today's blog.

Accurate Portrayal of Class Today

After this we took our Clicker Quiz, and that essentially wrapped up class for us. For HW make sure you're caught up with Strayer as we have a debate of some sort tomorrow in class, as well as the usual omnipresent Reading Quiz on Friday. 

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. I wish I could have been in 6th period WHAP to see this epic showdown. Also, nice picture, but why is Garrett portraying Michael Scott, the regional manager, and Mr. Profitt portraying Dwight Schrute, the assistant to the regional manager? Are you implying that Garrett has a higher position than Mr. Profitt?


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