Day 44 - Review

Today in WHAP we reviewed over Period 3.

First, we went over the agenda. Notable things are a reading quiz on Friday, Strayer scattered throughout the week, and a debate taking place on Wednesday/Thursday.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into class was Mr. P's fresh cut, so that was a good start to class. Mr. Profitt then said that he would try and have our LEQ's done by Wednesday. He stated the reason for being unable to grade them this weekend was his wife was sick/had a large quantity of work so he was essentially a single-dad and had other duties to do. On an unrelated note, I heard from an anonymous source that it was Mr.Profitt's turn to pick for movie night this weekend, and for his choice he chose to watch Crash Course World History.... I won't judge.

After the agenda we did a brainstorming activity where we had to think of 3 major themes of Period three and then three major themes representing China. After we had shared these in table teams, we went over a small slideshow in which Mr. Profitt reinforced the major points, such as
1. Last Hurrah of the pastoralists
2. Intensification of trade
3. Spread of new religions

After this, we shared our 3 for China, then Mr. Profitt showed us some of the important ones, which were
1. Confucianism
2. Silk Trade
3. Dynastic Cycle

Mr. Profitt than started talking about the Missionary religions, Christianity and Buddhism. What this means is that they actively spread and diffused in cultural system, and made an effort to get people to join the faith. This contrasts to Judaism, were they didn't really care whether people joined them, and didn't make an effort to convert others.

We mentioned trans regional networks, which essentially relates to the silk roads, sea roads, and sand roads.

After this, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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