Day 48 - China

Today in WHAP we had a debate in which we argued over which civilization China affected the most.

First, Mr. Profitt picked his person to type up the whole debate, or to be the scribe. Despite raising my hand I was not chosen. Not mad, just disappointed. I suppose I'll let my 100wpm and 98% accuracy speak for itself from here.

We went right into debating once class started, and after a poor point by team Vietnam, my team, Team Korea was up to bat. Nichols and Pattee mainly carried our argument by using some of the points they had researched the night before.

After we mad our argument, the other teams, Steppes and Japan, made their arguments. I won't spend time going over all the minute details of the debate as
     a. Everything we talked about is straight out of Strayer
     b. There isn't really a correct answer, you can't definitively pick which one was most affected

The debate ended with Garrett's group, I think they were Japan, winning the debate with a score of 30 points.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Don't forget to study for the reading quiz!


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