Day 50 - Vikings

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz and watched a video.

First, we took the quiz. Mr. Profitt wasn't here, so Dougie gave us some review time and then we started the quiz. No idea if we got the bonus or not.

Then we watched a video over various things.

Some of the major takeaways I had were:

1 - Muslim scholars were very important to scientific/mathematics advancement at the time and still have influence today due to many of their discoveries. Because they would put it all on the line for a theory, they made many extraordinary discoveries.

2 - Vikings were very brutish fellows but were pivotal in their role as explorers as they helped to lift Europe out of the Dark Age.

3 - Gold was very valuable (obviously) and at the time was very difficult and dangerous to mine, thus why it was a symbol of wealth.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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