Day 66 - One day left
Today in WHAP we did some last minute studying for the Examination of Knowledge on Friday. First, we started class with Mr. Profitt yelling "Show me the money!!!" in regard to answering the prompt on our LEQ essays on Friday. I got the reference. After that, the class seceded into two parts where one half listened to Mr. Profitt talk about the LEQ, and the other half, of which I was a part of, engaged in silent study. I was pretty much in my own WHAP world until the end of the period, where Mr. Profitt was going to show us something neat under the condition that we wouldn't freak out. He then revealed an example AP exam to us in class today, and showed us the LEQ section. The point to be gathered is that the question was quite broad, but ours on Friday will be more specific and if you studied, easier. With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Enjoy your last day of not having a final, then move into the fun on Thursday and Friday. There won't be any blog...