The last of the Reading Quizzes - Day 61

Today in WHAP we took our last reading quiz of the year.

We started off class in our table teams, reviewing for the quiz. We then tossed some questions at Mr. Profitt, who opened the floor for some rapid fire questioning. He offered us a new option today where we could pick if we wanted a long or a short explanation.

The first question was about Feudalism and Manorial ism, and the differences, to which he responded that Manorial ism was more of the economy whereas Feudalism was the political way thing went down.

There were a few more questions, and some of the students didn't clarify whether they wanted the short or long definition, so they went to the default of the long answer. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but before a quiz the general need is to stuff as much into our brains in the time before so that we can be ready.

We took the quiz and got blessed with a nice HTS, and then went over the multiple choice.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed.

Until Tomorrow!


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