Day 62 - SOS or SIS?

Today in WHAP we did the SIS, and then had a discussion about improvements to the class.

We started off by doing the SIS, and then Mr. Profitt opened the floor to questions from those who finished. Scheibe asked about reading quizzes being graded too harshly or the worth per question...something like that.

Before I spiral into that part of class, I want to share one of my biggest "Wants" for the second semester. I want the return of the Frayer Models, mainly because of that extra bonus point they give on the quiz. That was something we only got to do once this year, and it's something I'd REALLY like to see more often.

Back on topic, Mr. Profitt started talking about how an 11 is really where he wants us to be on reading quizzes, as that roughly translates into a 5 on the AP exam.
Mr.Profitt when you mention percents

After that, he took a poll from the class on whether they wanted more debates. Sadly, I was a minority on not wanting to debate more often. Personally, it just doesn't interest me doing it, and while I feel nothing is learned when we do it, I feel that certain concepts can be emphasized when you have to defend them from others. 

After this, Mr. Profitt proceeded to go around the classroom and say something good and for some people, something that they could improve upon. A lot of similar ones that were repeated were how some people are inconsistent on quizzes, how others are silent during class but may have some...unfriendly thoughts about the class when Mr. Profitt's not in the room, and then just some praise for some of the smarter ones in the class. 

I mean this picture really relates because Mr. P literally went around the room, said his thing, then went onto the next victim.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!

CC for HW tonight along with Strayer


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