Day 65 - 3 days

Today in WHAP we started preparing for our assessment.

We started class off by talking about how we need to know chronology and geography in order to be successful on the AP exam and potentially the December assessment.

We the moved on into a motivational video called "Why do we fall". It was used as  motivation for us to study for our finals. Message of the video aside, I found it ironic how they kept portraying D. Rose, and how that situation still reflects his current dilemma to this day.

Some various questions were then asked about the exam, and eventually a question about the conclusion paragraph led into planning for the causation essay. The conclusion (pun) we came to about the conclusion was that it is NOT necessary in the essay, but if we have time then by all means go for it.

Mr. Profitt then pulled up a neat graphic on the PowerPoint slide detailing how 3 causes/effects are necessary to form the causation paragraph. Roughly 9 pieces of evidence are needed to snag the 2 EV points, you're risking at 6 pieces of evidence, and if you include only 3 then they better be the best pieces of evidence in the world to get credit.

With that, the bell rang (not actually) and we were dismissed.

Until Tomorrow!


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