Day 65 - 2 Days

Today in WHAP we went over formation for the LEQ.

One of the known trickiest parts of the LEQ is the contextualization, and today some "cheat codes" were provided in order to aid our success in getting that one point. They came in the form of a 5 sentence outline.
S1: Introduce the historical period
S2: Identify the main idea of the period
S3: Explain the main idea of the period
S4: Introduce and explain the specific topic of the question so that...
S5: The thesis can take a position on the topic

That's just a guideline, and you may be able to combine sentences and make it shorter.

After this, we formed a thesis statement over societies before 600 B.C.E., and then looked them over as a class. What we went over was that if you need a second thesis sentence, with a "thus" statement, then use it. Grab the lowest hanging and most succulent fruit.

After this, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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