Day 63 - Clicking Away

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz.

First, we started off class in our table teams to review for our Clicker Quiz. It was over the Mongols, so after making an acceptable amount of jokes, we went over how bloodthirsty Genghis was and how great of military warriors they were.

We didn't have any full class review, so we went straight into the quiz. I don't think we got the bonus today.

After the quiz, we did an activity where we had to relate a key term to a margin review question. We had the term Kipchak Khanate, and we related it to margin review number 8 because we KK was unique in how the Mongols weren't occupying it, but still collected tribute yearly from the city.

To state a bit of an opinion here, I didn't like that activity at all. The reason I disliked it was because we weren't allowed to leave class until we finished it. While my group finished in time that I could make it to Degen's class before the bell, others weren't so fortunate and had to go grab a late slip after the Doctor's prodding. I'm not a fan of these type of activities because:
     a. at least in my experience, the students aren't trying to learn, they're just trying to get out of class and get the answer somewhat right, so there isn't much learning merit present
     b. Making students late for class because of something like that really isn't cool, and had I been in those other students shoes, I would have been pretty mad and disappointed that I'd have my first late slip ever (going on since kindergarten) for something as silly as one of those activities
That's just my opinion on that activity, take from it what you will.

The bell rang, then we finished the activity, and then we were dismissed...

Until Tomorrow!


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