Day 116 - The Calm Before the Storm

Today in WHAP we prepared for our mastery exam.

Picture's Easter Sunday. The family is gathered around a table, jovially enjoying a meal, eating delicious Easter treats. It seems like a joyful day, incapable of sorrow. But wait, zoom in further and in a dark corner of the dusty room sits a fellow, holding a review (of the Princeton variety) and an ipad in his hands. He furiously completes practice exams, knowing that he must complete 40 questions in 45 minutes. He's been working on different exams for weeks now, preparing for this final mastery exam. It's not enjoyable, but there is some sort of motivation for him if he aces this exam.

Fast forward a few days, and this same fellow walks into his WHAP class, oozing confidence. He aces all of the multiple choice review questions. Confidently striding out of class, he knows he'll ace the exam.

Then, a few hours later, he receive an email. Probably just a reminder for the exam, he figures, and chuckles at the people that haven't started yet. He reads the email and sees the number of questions is actually 41, and not 40, due to a last second change. He cries out in anger and frustration, realizing that all of his studying was for naught, as he know has to completely change his strategy. He then checked RangerNet, and saw that his LEQ revision from a week and a half ago isn't graded yet, and is confused by this because he knows very few people in WHAP did this revision. Looking at his deplorable grade, and realizing another trashy grade is inbound, he sighs and picks up Strayer. Time for more studying.


I hope you enjoyed that little writing piece there, that's my treat for the viewers this week since I won't be here on Friday to blog.

Like I stated earlier, we studied for the MC exam today in class, going over practice questions on an exam. I was about 50/50 on the questions, which isn't the worst place to be going into tonight. There will be 41 questions (not 40), and while there will be 3-4 questions on period one, the majority will be on periods 2-5, so perhaps look over those ones a little longer.

That being said, we didn't do anything other than review for the exam today, so not much to blog about today's class. DBQ is on Monday, and remember we'll get that prompt in advance so don't sweat studying for that until post Chem test.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. You seem a bit triggered about the LEQ revisions

  2. Also, wow one multiple choice question? One? Not 5. Not 10. Just one!? And that made all of your “studying for naught”? How and what are you studying?


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