Day 8 - An eye for an eye

Today in WHAP we continued the Code of Hammurabi assignment we had been working on and then took a clicker quiz over the two Crash Course videos we watched over the weekend.

First, we revised the Hammurabi assignment by making sure that our answers were concise and to the point, and that we answered the whole question. After this, Mr. Profit analyzed a student's answer in front of the class, breaking it down from a fundamental standpoint by saying how it answered the whole question and expanded on the answer. He also emphasized how using S.P.I.C.E. is a good way to find patterns in civilization, since it can apply to basically all of them.

Today in class, we also talked about our upcoming reading quiz on Wednesday and our exam on Friday. I'm not too worried about the reading quiz since I know what to improve on from the last one, but I am a little anxious about the test on Friday. However, it is multiple choice, which means it will be easier than short answer. Did you get excited hearing you won't have to do any short answers? Don't be. We then have an essay which is part of the test next week, so everyone will get a chance to use their short answer skills to their heart's content.

After that, we took the clicker quiz on the two crash courses. Our class was primarily dominated by the Hammurabi assignment today, so we didn't really do much else other than that and the clicker quiz at the end.

Today is also my birthday!

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. Happy Birthday Jack! I with you about the reading quiz: I'm not too worried about it, but the test and essay on Friday and Tuesday will be rather hefty. I hope I can break each question down from a fundamental standpoint so I can answer them correctly.

    Also, did you see the Cowboys game? They won.

    Go Cowboys

    1. Thank you! I did see it and look forward to the breakdown of the game from a fundamental standpoint on your blog, like you said you would have on Friday.


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