Day 119 - The Notorious DBQ

Today in WHAP we took our DBQ.

I didn't think it was too difficult, and I can guarantee myself that I got at least 4 points so that's kinda nice. I also answered the prompt this time so that was nice too.

Time, like with most essays, is the largest issue with long in class essays. And of course, most people generally use every single moment for the exam. So it can be problematic when  time is...taken from us and we lose this time on the exam.
Image result for Key and Peele sweaty

The Class worrying about having enough time as Mr. Profitt drones on

On the plus side, Mr. Profitt mentioned a helpful revision process so maybe we'll get to partake in that. 

I'm sure, as in most classes, when we have a large test one day, there is no homework that night. If you were to assume that in WHAP, however, you'd be completely incorrect. I see how it is. Check Moodle.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. That's weird - in my blog (, I used that same gif... on March 7. I see that Whapjack has lost all creativity, so you just rely on other people's funny gifs. I see how it is.

    By the way, for proof that I published this gif before this plagiarizer, click the following link:

    1. You didn't properly cite your source using the correct format so I can't believe the proof - uncredible

  2. I took four minutes of your time to give you some major tips about how I wanted you to write the DBQ (which hopefully you applied and will be sad if you didn't) and to emphasize that this was NOT going to be approached as a normal Mastery Exam essay. Of course, if you wish to focus on the fact that you lost the four minutes you can. But then that focus kind of misses the point of why I did what I did? Right?


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