Day 33 - Profitt MIA

Today in WHAP we did a group activity as a table team.

First, Mr. Profitt wasn't here for class today for "Kairos" (probably cutting class to play Civ 6), so we had Mr. Donahue for our sub.

Once class started, we promptly got to work on our assignment so that we could finish by the end of the period, since we only had class time to work on it. One member of our group, Guy, actually did one of his responses beforehand  so that he would have all of class to work on just one other response and not be rushed, along with being able to assist the rest of us. We ended up finishing right as the bell rang, with Mr. John Holloran being the last to submit as he couldn't figure out how to type his answers onto the google dock, as the keyboard was getting in the way.

Funny story about John... Today during lunch he attempted to claim my supporting argument domain in the project by changing the last names, but I, as a knowledgeable person with computer skills (Netbeans) and quick typing skills, I quickly revoked his access to the document so no changes could be made. Needless to say he was quite abashed about me coding metaphorical circles around him, as i claimed the supporting argument.

Don't forget we have a reading quiz over Chapter 6 tomorrow as well. There are a lot of different societies to be familiar with for the quiz, so make sure to start studying early tonight so you don't get blindsided at 10.

After we finished the activity and Guy submitted it, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. That's an interesting picture in your blog! I don't actually think that Mr. Profitt was out playing Minecraft or Civ 6 though.

    1. I beg to differ. Civ 6 accurately teaches history and helps with this class, especially with crafting (get it) HTS arguments and answering SARs. In addition, Minecraft perhaps may be the most accurate representation a CCOT, starting as a H-G, joining villages with agriculture, and conquering biomes like an empire. Mr. Profitt most likely learned all that he knows from these enlightening study tools, so he only naturally expands his knowledge like the Daoists of China on "Kairos" to be alone with the games.

    2. You know I read these, right? ;-) And, I'd be interested to know how Civ 6, while I agree can be useful at seeing context and interactions, actually helps you with HTS or SAR. I'm open to being enlightened. Also, interesting pic up above. Why the head phones?

    3. You know why


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