Day 99 - Social Studies

Today in WHAP we talked about the gun control problem.

We did not not take the clicker quiz today, but even if you didn't watch it you should watch it just to make sure you get that information.

For respect purposes, I won't go over any of the stories told in class, but today we were talking about people's personal experiences with guns, and just in general how you can't really read someone to know if they are capable of such heinous acts.

Garrett made the point that for someone to commit a school shooting or other event, there would have to be something wrong mentally for them to commit something like that. That's definitely true, but what also has to be taken into account is circumstances around the acts. Just like Father Leise said in his homily about Connor, everyone has moments of weakness. I could see a possibility where someone, in a moment of weakness, may make a bad choice involving a gun.

Anyways, that's just something for your reflection over this topic. Do some MC corrections this weekend, and try to get some sleep.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Monday!


  1. Hello good sir,

    I have seen you haven't updated your blog yet. I hope you have not forgotten or stopped?

    Waiting patiently for the next,
    A dedicated blogger


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