Day 140 - Sleep Deprivation

Today in WHAP we talked about future stuff.

So the one thing on most people's mind the night before today or very early this morning is of course the DBQ revision. I've heard a few brave souls say how they stayed up til 3, even 4 in the morning working on their revision. Dedication right there, you can't teach that. Personally I finished around a quarter to midnight, but I felt you guys pain.

Things are getting pretty hectic right now, with teachers trying to cram a month's worth of knowledge into a week, seemingly endless quizzes, and a few tests scattered among the next days. The DBQ revision was just one of the upcoming events, so brace yourself for more potential late nights and accept the fact that sleep... is for the weak.

It certainly didn't help last night that other than our giant DBQ essay, which took many hours to plan and then write, we also had two crash course video due today as well. I mean WHAP was already taking up 8+ hours of most people's weekend anyways, so I mean why not just add another 30 minutes on top. *

So at the beginning of class Mr. Profitt defined the term mixed economy, which means that there is a blend between free-market capitalism and closed-market investing. This led class to progress into more of a reflection on potential future outcomes.

We moved onto talking about how certain companies, like Walmart, are raking in more dough than some countries. That's pretty insane that essentially a corporation can rival... a country. We also looked at the debt of the US, which is increasing VERY quickly. I'll be honest it's not in my path to fix that defecit because I'm trash at math but to all you math boyos out there... get cracking.

One thing I haven't mentioned since hearing about it would be APUSH details. Next year there are no revisions or O-points. Unfortunate. I mean the O-Points are great grade boosters but without revisions my grade would be, as they say, mud. Maybe it gets easier next year.

Another thing to note is that there is WHAP lunch almost every day, WHAP review in the morning, and WHAP review after school some days as well, so if you're stressed about the exam you immerse yourself in WHAP for the next week and a half.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!

*We ended up not taking the clicker quizzes today due to time constraints


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