Day 137 - Table Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Today in WHAP we did table team activities.

We started class off talking in table teams about the reasons for the empire collapsing. The team came up with over extension (Holloran), Economic Instability(Matt Owens), A new morality (Asher "cOn aRTiSt" Smith) and then mine, movements. We gave the examples of the mongols, the soviet union, Britain, and India. Others listed in class would expansion, disease, and demographic collapse.

Continuing talking about the declining of empires, the people of the empire started to not want empires anymore. Essentially, normal people that weren't social figures started caring and deciding that they don't want an empire.

We then made some arguments over some questions, in CPA format. Mr. Profitt called upon me to share mine to the class, and he mistakenly thought I answered number one when I actually answered number 4. As he was preparing to start roasting for not answering the prompt, I swiftly corrected him. Not today.
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India was his hart by numerous events, which made them not so fond of the Brits. The Brits did things like taking lots of their food and causing famine, taking their men for their army, and other such things. This was a storm brewing as it is, but then the British massacred 400 Indians while trying to quash a demonstration, and by that point Britain's time in India was about up. This was why the movement happened which lead to their independence from Britain.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. I think you forgot to start this blog with "today in WHAP" rather than "today in class"


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