Day 135 - Reading Quizzes going up... On a Monday

Today in WHAP we took our reading quiz.

I liked the MC selection again, and I can't tell if in these past quizzes they are easier or I'm just better. Hopefully I'm better.

The SARs weren't awful, but they weren't the greatest either. Same deal with the key term.

Here is my reflection for the movie Valkyrie, a movie about a plot to overthrow Hitler. Also included are some of my notes over the movie, which I linked earlier.

Tonight, we have a crash course video, but lets face it; the only crash people care about right now is the crash of the comet into tilted. 5 hours left until Season 4...

Don't forget to look at the DBQ revision if you're interested; it's an...interesting prompt for us.

I don't normally do a quote of the day but for today I have one - "Asher, you don't take the reading quiz... the reading quiz takes you," - Jack Corrales 2018

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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