Day 123 - World Wars

Today in WHAP we talked about WWI.

So essentially the acronym MAIN depicts the causes of how WWI started, with M meaning militarism and A being alliances. That was as far as we got today.

To start off this blog, Mr. Profitt was talking about Risk, the board game, for many example during class today. I just want to take this time to state that I'm an AMAZING Risk player. I've gone undefeated throughout my whole career, whether that be from people quitting from boredom or being tactically outmaneuvered. Onward to the lecture.

So with a alleged telegram from Germany to Mexico saying that the Germans wanted Mexico to invade the US, the US became a little suspicious of Germany. This then made it an easy sell when Germany destroyed a passenger ship with Americans on board for the Americans to join the war against the Germans.

When the Americans finally made it to the battlefront, they were pretty late in the war. However, in order for the generals to gain more experience, they would send their soldiers on unnecessary charges through no mans land. Think the scene in Wonder Woman where she runs through no mans lands, but without the magical ability to block bullets. It obviously resulted in many unnecessary deaths for the Americans.

At this time, Germany was pouring a large sum of cash into their army. They didn't have the biggest army, but their army was the best trained by far. In Europe, Russia had the largest army though with upwards of a million soldiers.

Then, there was a situation where Austria wanted to attack he Serbs, because of the assassination of the Archduke. However, Austria couldn't straight up attack them because Russia would then attack them. Hence the A in MAIN.

Germany is in a tough spot right from the beginning, as it's surrounded by its enemies. France hates Germany, and Russia doesn't especially care for them either, so if they were to start some sort of war they'd be fighting a war on two fronts. Germany was preparing for this by training their army and attempting to develop more sophisticated military tech. At the same time, France and Russia realized that this was happening so they started trying to do the same thing, starting an arms race.

Mr. Profitt then said how this war should just have been between Austria and Serbia, if there was even going to be a war. One major event which helped to later pin the blame on Germany was when Germany agreed to help Austria in case the Russians where to attack.

Eventually, Germany used the Schlieffen Plan to attempt and surprise France in order to make it so they are only fighting a battle on one front rather than two. Unfortunately for Germany, Britain was going to make sure that Belgium stayed impartial, so their combined power with Belgium and France kept out the Germans, making them have to fight a war on two fronts, which is not something you want to do.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Short classes and early dismissal tomorrow because of conferences, so get hyped! Until Tomorrow!


  1. I highly doubt you are that good at risk

  2. It's really weird how you skipped 10 days...


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