Day 122 - Pink Floyd

Today in WHAP we talked about WWI.

First, we listened to two songs about the war. The first one was pretty pro war while the second one, by Pink Floyd, was definitely displaying the negative aspects of the war.

Essentially what that led us into was that initially, Britain was mad hyped about the war, thinking it would finally be a time to end all the hostility going on in Europe at the time. Then, as time passed, they realized exactly what they'd gotten themselves into and so they didn't really want to fight anymore.

We ended up not taking the clicker quiz scheduled for today, so that was pretty nice. It'd be nicer if it went in as a 100 for everyone, but I digress.

We then talked about some of the facts about the war. The war took place in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. It was fought by the Allied Powers (led by Britain) and the Central Powers (led by Germany). The allies won the war, but at the cost of 8 million overall soldier casualties and 6 million civilian casualties.

The war was then followed by the Influenza outbreak, which may have stemmed from weakened immune systems from trashy conditions in the war or just general weakness from the war.

The reason that Germany started this whole thing was because they felt that Europe was holding them back, and not letting them get what they deserved as a highly advanced and industrialized country. That's about where we left off today.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Monday!


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