Day 121 - If the Shoe Fits

Today in WHAP we were visited by Mr. Shoemaker (Coach Shoemaker).

First, we filled part of our scantron for the AP exam. It was a tedious process, so I'm glad we got it out of the way before the day of the exam. As I've been studying the patterns Mr. Profitt makes the tests in, I was able to predict the questions for the exam and get a head start on the MC exam, allowing me to allott more time elsewhere.

After this, Shoe came in to talk to us about the exams. Basically, on the day of the AP test for WHAP you don't have to come back to school after, but if you reeealy want to then you can come back. I think it's kind of a no-brainer to head on home and get some rest/victory royales, but circumstances could dictate a different outcome for that situation.

He then started talking about application to colleges. Using the example of Harvard, he talked about how even though you may be perfectly qualified for Harvard, if you don't match whatever profile they want that day, then you won't make it in. He described this whole thing as a finicky process, so even though you may be qualified, if you don't make it in don't sweat it too much because really, how many people do you know that went to Harvard? I only know one, and that's Mr. Dion.

He then talked about how everyone at Jesuit goes to a good college, and that on a list of 250 of the best colleges (opinion), nearly every student from Jesuit except for a few athletes had gone to one of those schools. So chin up, chances are if you can graduate from Jesuit, you'll be all good.

Finally, he ended his discussion by talking about the application process. He said how for the application, you want the application to scream "you" all over it, so it really represents you and it's something you can be proud of. He gave the example of how one year when Notre Dame sent out an application question saying "Take a Risk", he knew immediately what his would be. It would be a video of him on top of the roof of his house, with a mattress on the ground. Then, right before he would jump he'd rick roll the viewer. Savage.

Also, if anyone noticed Shoe's tie today, it said Jesuit Bowling, representing one of the most prestigious and intense sports at Jesuit. If anyone reading this has an interest in bowling next year they should really "shoot their shot" and try it out, joining the companies of myself, fellow blogger Silas "Spare Machine" Hartman, and WHAPPER John Holloran III. We're having open practices in a few weeks, so no harm in trying! HMU or email Mr. Howell or Shoemaker for more info if you're interested.

Plug aside, after that the bell rang and we were dismissed. CC video tonight, so don't forget. Until Tomorrow!


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