Day 120 - EIGO

Today in WHAP we talked about stuff leading into our next unit.

First, we took a clicker quiz over the material last night. Let's hope its just an E grade. Now, you may be wondering why I named my blog today EIGO. It's just a little acronym I made up that stands for Everything In Genuine Openness, a motto for the blog. I made it up all by myself. My copyright. Trademarked.

After this, we watched a clip from the movies "The Devil's Advocate," and watched a scene with Keanu Reeves talking to the devil. Essentially, Keanu never has lost a court case but then loses one because the devil (his father) stops helping him. The devil then gives a speech about how the 20th century was essentially his, and now he's moving into the prime of his time, since he's inspired this age of self-sufficient humans. The most notable line for me was from Keanu where he said "I Win...I don't lose." This was notable for me because it's very similar to the moto of John Wick(s) Fortnite.

Image result for The Reaper fortnite

Essentially, the point in history we're at now is at a crossroads, which leave us with the options of either embracing traditional ways of life or a modern advanced and rapidly progressing society. 

We talked about Periodization, and we looked at the same chart we looked at in that first week of school, and now we've progressed nearly to the end...dang. However, one continuity of this class is the motto/manifesto/war cry of "Look at the Fish"... look at it.

With that the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Thursday!


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