Day 118 - DBQ Prep

Today in WHAP we started to prepare for the DBQ essay.

So first off, I won't be at school tomorrow due to Roundup obligations, so there will probably not be a WHAP blog tomorrow. I know, you wonder where you can get that daily entertainment without WHAPJACK, but I think Ninja's streaming tomorrow so we all good.

I finally received my LEQ revisions back, and I gotta say it's amazing what that can do for your grade. Now I just have to correct the MC and I may have something to work with.

We started class of with listening to "I believe I can Fly" by R. Kelley, with the idea that we can still succeed even though many of us took a drubbing on that MC exam yesterday. I think a more accurate song would have been "Free Falling" by Tom Petty, as that's a more realistic depiction of our grades yesterday, but that's just my opinion.

This song seems extremely motivational and inspirational, and I'm sure everyone that has heard it until today has enjoyed the song. Ironically enough, R. Kelley ended up being an ALLEGED rapist, which may have ruined the song for some people because of that, and changed the meaning. This related to the DBQ prep we were doing today, as Mr. Profitt emphasized that we need to know who created the source, so that we can truly understand it.

Forging along this path, Mr. Profitt mentioned how even the information we learned from this class was not stuff that he expected us to retain a year from now, but he did hope that we retained lessons learned from the class. To emphasize this point, he was talking to me about how a year from now I won't remember who Robespierre is, and then added in that I may not even know who he is now. Unfortunately for Mr. Profitt, he picked the wrong guy as Robespierre is one of the figures I know best due to that French Revolution video I slaved over the last I-Day. And as for not remembering who he is in a

Moving into the actual DBQ formatting, you must write about all 7 documents, even if the information is incorrect about one. If you don't write about one source, then you get no point... so make up stuff.

We then moved onto doing some quick formatting of the essay, by choosing the HTS, then giving a time frame, the overall general topic, and information on those involved. We worked on this until the bell rang.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Get some Victory Royales and until (probably) Monday!


  1. So who was Robespierre if you're such an expert?

  2. Are you going to answer Silas's question? And, bet.


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