133 - Broken Clickers

Today in WHAP we talked about the DBQ.

So initially we were supposed to take a clicker quiz today, but it appears that Mr. Carroll may have broken them when he knocked them over the other day. Mr. Profitt seemed a little peeved at first but then seemed to become more happier about the matter once he realized that he may get to splurge and "treat himself" to some new clickers.

We received our DBQs back today and I'll be honest, there were a lot of very...perturbed people once they received their exam. I was personally happy with a phat 4, and with the time crunch points that's an 88 so that's cool with me. Also,  we can now do corrections over the DBQ, but in doing so we have many different options on which grade we want to replace or add. It's a little confusing so I'm not gonna try to explain it, but just be aware of the opportunity.

After that, Mr. Profitt showed how the most missed points were the POV and the contextualization. We essentially talked about this the whole class, and while I'm not going to go over the various details since most people were in class, don't forget about the revision as it's a pretty sweet deal that can't really hurt you to try.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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