Day 110 - Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz.

We started class of with some review time, featuring some jazzy music. Great stuff to listen to for clicker quiz prep.

We then started taking the quiz. Today was one of those clicker quizzes that took up the whole class period because it's a lecture and a quiz, so that's really all we did today.

One of the main points we talked about was the European conquest of Africa. Initially, they weren't able to conquer Africa because of disease (that would make them sick, little bit of karma here), their horses would die, their guns weren't super effective, and they could be beaten by the Africans. Things changed once the maxim gun and a treatment (not a cure) for the African diseases were invented.

Another point we talked about was the effect the Europeans would have on whoever they would invade or try to trade with. The Europeans would ALWAYS make their presence known in society, and would disrupt the status quo enough that all the people would know and feel the effects of their presence.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Enjoy that 100 on the CC quiz, first grade (for me at least) in any class since before Spring Break.

Until Tomorrow!


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