Day 108 - Last Day of Donahue

Today in WHAP we went over the history of Jesuit's architecture.

Mr. Donahue used a power point of Mr. Howard's about the architecture of  Jesuit throughout the ages and went over that today in class. Once again, this was an interesting class which was a good way to keep our thoughts off of other matters.

Long story short, the tennis courts were and always have been a point of contention at Jesuit. Interesting. The school has also changed A LOT, with the surrounding area changing with it.

It's been nice these past two days to just learn for the sake of learning... being able to enjoy information and not having to memorize it knowing that I'll be tested on it. The subject matter helped too, because Jesuit's history is more interesting to me than some of the stuff we learn.

I enjoyed have Mr. Donahue as our sub, it was a pretty fun week. I think we all saw a different side of him than the side that we normally see when some kid isn't in uniform, which I think was a worthwhile experience. In fact, a senior last year told me that Mr. Donahue was one of the smartest and most versatile teachers at Jesuit, which I didn't really believe until this week. Other than being lectured on WH, we've had brief grammar lessons, lessons on war tactics, and of course the history of Jesuit. If Mr. Profitt decides to go to Europe again for a week, I think I'd want Mr. Donahue back.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Enjoy your spring break, revise that LEQ, and most importantly get some rest.

Until next (next) Monday!


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