Day 105 - The Industrial Revolution Continued

Today in WHAP, with Mr. Donahue again, we continued our discussion over the Industrial Revolution.

We started class with Mr. Donahue showing us some graphs desalinating the change in the atmosphere in recent decades. It seemed like all the levels have exponentially jumped higher right around the time of the Industrial Revolution, which is just a little bit too coincidental.

So the people working at this time worked in the factory system, whether that be bobbin' boys at the yarn factory or something similar to that. These jobs, while dangerous, monotonous, and hard, were really not any worse than farming. Most of the labor was unregulated until a large amount of people died in a fire, because they were locked in a building. This harsh labor started being regulated a bit more, and slowly things got a little bit better for people.

We then moved onto the Guano boom, in which poop piled up from birds was traded for by Europe, who needed the nitrogen in the guano for their fields, as nutrients. This trade was very profitable for  them. Below, I've included a picture of guano so you understand the nutrient value. Make assumptions as you see fit.

We then moved onto Thomas Malthas, who said that eventually population would increase so much that it would outstrip our resources. Mr. Donahue disproved that by saying how when the population starts to outstrip resources, then the population drops back down again, and continues this little game over and over again.

Also, when the population rose so suddenly, there is a reason for that. Before the IR, death rates were high for young children. Because of that, families would have lots of kids, hoping that a few would make it to adulthood. Then, when the IR happened, for a little while high amounts of kids and a much lower mortality rate made the population skyrocket. Eventually, the amounts of kids lowered (try to think of all the big families you know...) while the mortality rate continued to stay low, so Mr. Donahue said that by 2100 (WHAP JACK will be a famous blog by then) the population will actually start to decrease.

Finally, moving on towards the end of class, we went over Adam Smith. We went over him at the end of class, and will get into more detail tomorrow, but essentially his philosophy was that each individual will pursue his own self interest through competition in a free and open marketplace.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. It's kinda sad that you need to put me down to make yourself feel better

    1. I agree. Internet bullying like this must be stopped. Remember, cyber trolls are insecure about themselves. Whenever you identify cyberbullying, always report it to a trustworthy adult. #Metoo


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