102 - Nationalism (explained)

Today in WHAP we talked about nationalism.

We started of class with the plan to ask Mr. Profitt a bunch of questions about the review, but class ended up taking a different turn where we talked about a topic mentioned on my blog, the relation of Nationalism to what we are studying right now.

First, just to help you out in the MRQ area, on #8, life for former slaves didn't really become much better after they were freed. They may have legally been free, but they weren't even close to politically equal. On top of that, they were still in different forms of slavery, like sharecropping, where they worked for wages that were far too low.

So onto Nationalism. So the way I understood it today is that Nationalism is idea of an identity, maybe even a force, that can bring us together or tear us apart. This idea of being part of a nation stemmed from the Enlightenment.

The problem with this idea of Nationalism is that once a nation gets too big, instead of bringing it together, it drives the country apart as many different types of nationalism take root, like in the example of the HRE. Many different types, like the Saxons and the Austrians. These people would then group up, saying something like us Saxons need to be separate from the Austrians. That's an example of divisions, but nationalism could also bring people together. Mr. Profitt gave the example of the Latin American countries revolt against Spain. The Latin American countires may not havel liked each other, but they can put their differences aside and join together as they are ALL Latin American, and band up against those dirty Spanish that none of them like. These things in common that they have are the catalysts for bringing them closer or farther apart.

With that explained, Mr. Profitt went over how every nation has a "make or break" moment, where things turn rather...radical. A perfect example of this would be The Terror. This even happened in the American Revolution, as those loyal to the crown often were tarred and feathered, quartered, or worse.

I've gotta say, I'm glad I watched the History video on the French Revolution, just because that makes up so much of what our quiz will be on tomorrow. I'll admit it was a grind, but for 5 E points, 2 Quiz points, less studying time tonight, and ideally an aced quiz tomorrow, I think it would be well worth it. It's unfortunate that I don't have time for that kind of thing every week, but I guess school is what it is.

Anyway, with that the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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