Day 97 - Gunpowder

Today in WHAP we had a lesson about gunpowder from Mr. Pichon.

So at the beginning of the class, Mr. Pichon couldn't get his computer to work, until Asher Smith, savior of sixth period, discovered that the charger wasn't plugged into the wall. Great job buddy.

After this, Mr. Pichon started recapping what we learned from the first lesson. That would be stuff like the 3 P's (about power).

We then started talking about the beginnings of guns. Essentially they weren't very accurate at the beginning, but were really just used because they were cost efficient (in training costs). They weren't even considered more lethal (at first) than say a crossbow, but because of lack of maintenance and longevity it was better to have a gun. I thought it was kinda neat how the crossbow went through all the armor of the horse and the guy, but if you really think about it that bolt must have been moving really fast to go through all that.

After talking about that, we moved onto Napoleon Bonaparte (not dynamite). Essentially, he was one of the best military leaders of all time, and a fantastic commander for the French. Mr. Pichon told us a story of how he completely baited the British, got them on the run, and then shot the ice out from under them instead of shooting them. His only mistake was trying to take Russia, as he ended up losing nearly 500,000 men as he unsuccessfully tried to take over Russia.

We then moved onto the naval dominance of the British, who due to their strategy of stealing other people's ships were highly successful in naval warfare. They were led by Horatio Nelson, another gutsy general who made some crazy maneuvers for the British, including when he attacked the French from their broadside, allowing them to briefly fire upon him before his fleet took out the French.

We ended class with this, don't forget to watch those CC videos!

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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