Day 96 - A Real Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took a quiz over this weekends reading assignment.

So to start out class, we went over the calendar for these next few weeks. Over this week, we really just have some CC videos, so no Strayer or anything like that. I noticed that there are some neat O-Point activities, so keep an eye out for those.

We also learned from today that Mr. Profitt will be taking a hiatus the week before Spring break, to go visit Rome and Italy, essentially all the place we are currently learning about. Seems like a good location for a WHAP field trip, but I digress. He said that our sub will most likely be MR. DONAHUE during this time.

We then prepared for our clicker quiz, that was actually a quiz grade. I wish it was worth say 10/10 instead of 5/5 so it effected my grade a bit more, but I suppose I'll take what I can get. We did not get the bonus, but I had a revelation about clicker quizzes today in class. I noticed that I don't generally struggle with a question unless Mr. Profitt says "This is an easy one" or something like that. Whenever he says that, my brain seems to go blank and I immediately forget everything from whatever the assignment is. Odd coincidence.

It took the rest of the period to finish the quiz, but before I end this blog I want to reference WHAP in the real world. I watched Black Panther this weekend, and during the movie they mentioned two key terms from our WHAP curriculum, which were Benin (city that opposed slavery) and the Out of Africa thesis. I know for a fact that my knowledge of these terms helped me to greater understand the plot of the film. 

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Prepare for a lesson from Mr.Pichon tomorrow, and get ahead on some of the CC videos for the week.

Until Tomorrow!


  1. I saw Black Panther too! But the person that was sitting to my right was really crusty.


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