Day 94 - The Dreaded MC

Today in WHAP we took our MC exam!

After taking it, I have some mixed feelings about the results.I did alright, snagging a good enough grade to scavenge a good grade with corrections. However, I have some opinions about the exam, which I will go into down below.

It seems like anyone I talked to about their score pretty much kept their same scores form the previous exams, myself included. Meaning, for all three exams, they've gotten the same grades, whether they repeatedly get C's or A's or B's... you get the picture. In my case, I'm in the B-C area and I've been trying to get that up to the high B and A area, and really no matter the study habits I'm changing, my grades don't seem to change.

I mean I don't think I've every been better prepared in terms of knowing the general outline, the broad history, and yet I got the same grade. And on top of that, I studied in advance, and didn't wait until the last minute, so in theory that formula should have led to a good score.

And while I won't give any names, I know this isn't only me, because while some students seem to be good at these MC exams, and can get 90+ with minimal effort, it seems like some people just can't cross that barrier and get a solid score, no matter the effort. Maybe it's a genetic thing.

I guess what really grinds my gears is how honestly no matter whether I studied or not, I'd probably be in the same range, because quite frankly prior knowledge is always such obvious stuff that you would have remembered it anyways, and what really hurts are the stimulus questions. I mean, with the practice MC activity and class, and the Princeton review, as Asher always says, it's just a bunch of facts, like trivia. Then we come to class the next day, and get hit with all these stimulus questions that are much more difficult than any in the Princeton Review, and prior knowledge that you studied so hard to gain gets you absolutely nowhere.

Then, we spent all week in class going over the LEQ, barely even touching the Multiple choice questions.

All that aside, the LEQ comes tomorrow. I'm planning on looking over the formatting, to make sure I get that right, and will also make my contextualization and intro paragraph as much as I can tonight.

I'd recommend studying Period 4, maybe looking over sort of chapter summary, so that you have enough information for the LEQ Prompt.

Seems like the key to success tomorrow will be formatting, as we all know the information well enough to write over it after studying for the MC exam, so make sure to check out the PowerPoint.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Good luck on the last night of this awful, test-filled week!


  1. I've also gotten about the same grade on my multiple choice tests as well


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