Day 93 - The Qualm Before the Storm

Today in WHAP we had our final class day of review before the dreaded mastery exams.

We started class of by going over a questionnaire that only one person answered...myself :D
Anyways, we started off class by going over Matt's intro paragraph. The issue with his, and also Antonio's, were that they weren't really making CCOT arguments, but more like cause and effects. I personally am glad we did this today because it's going to help me avoid that one pitfall on Friday.

After looking at both of their's, we moved onto John Patee's. He probably got the thesis point, as his CCOT argument was legit, but he used an incorrect date. Mr. Profitt thought that it would probably be overlooked by the College Board though.

After this, we were jusdt going over the ways to study for the MC, which I'm sure you have started studying for already. Basically, check out Freeman pedia, the concept outline, Mr. yo's 200 page PowerPoint, and then I heard from someone today that Khan Academy has some good practice for the multiple choice questions, so maybe give that a shot as well.

Anyways, that's all for today, good luck on the exam(s) tomorrow, and try not to stay up toooo late tonight.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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