Day 92 - Impending Doom

Today in WHAP we continued studying for our mastery exams on Thursday/Friday.

We started class off by going over some MC questions. Unfortunately for the fate of the class, only about a third of the class got the first question correct. Make sure to brush up on those early periods so there aren't any surprises on the test. Also, Mr. Profitt announced that 20 questions will be about periods 1-2, which is nearly 50 percent of the test, so especially make srue to review those units.

We then moved into talking about the Causation format, which is categorizing (from this), then explaining.

1 nifty little point Mr. Profitt made was that we should make it VERY obvious when we are starting something, so clearly emphasizing when we are stating a continuity/change, so that he only needs to check to see if it's historically accurate, instead of being forced to make some assumptions.

We ended class by making our own lil' intro paragraphs, and we did this until the end of class. Only 3 days left.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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