Day 91 - Sea-Caught Prep

Today in WHAP we went over CCOT essays.

First, Mr. Profitt started out by reminding us on how to study for a multiple choice exam. He said that the best way for us to do it would be to study the broad context (Freeman Pedia, PR), rather than studying the little details. My personal recommendation on what to study would be to play the Civ Six game which is now free on the app store (first 60 turns). I think a lot could be learned during that time.

After this, we moved forward onto organizing the CCOT LEQ. Essentially, you need either two continuities and one change, or two changes and one continuity for the essay.

It's also recommended your thesis be around 3 sentences so you get the whole point. We spent most of class going into examples of these, so not much to blog about.

I find it kind of interesting how all of our teachers say not to procrastinate, yet nearly every one of them waited until the end of the six weeks to drop all these tests on us...huh. Anyways though, only 4 days left in this week!

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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