Day 88 - Butcher's Paper

Today in WHAP we researched information on our given topics.

My group had the topic of the Protestant Reformation. Essentially what we did was find the causes of the Reformation and the effects.

The causes I had centered around political/religious effects, as we divided up the work between the four of us at the table.

I said that one of the effects was the transfer of religious power from solely the Church to more of the people. When Martin Luther questioned the church, many people also separated themselves from the church because of what he was saying. Furthermore, his translation of the bible into the commonly spoken language only increased the separation from the church by many, choosing to join or form new branches based of their own interpretations.

Eventually, this whole mess led to the peasant rebellions in Europe. These rebellions sparked massive destruction of churches in new radical beliefs, general widespread destruction, and high death tolls. Nearly 100,000 people died in this rebellion. The rebellion didn't last long, however, as the government quickly quenched the rebels. Still, because of the Protestant Reformation, many things changed in Europe, one of which was the creation of new branches of the church.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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