Day 87 - The 45 Minute Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz.

We started off class by preparing for the clicker quiz in table teams. We then took the quiz.

The quiz was over the Protestant Reformation, so we talked about Martin Luther, who was a friar at the time. An interesting fact about him was that he converted to a friar because he was struck by lightning... He also was OCD and was originally quite intent upon being the perfect priest, making sure to not have any un-pure thoughts.

He was mad about the selling of indulgences, which essentially would allow one to buy penance for their sins, and guarantee time off of purgatory, a guarantee which they couldn't even make. He made his 95 thesis, the church got mad, the whole affair was publicized by the printing press, and essentially many new branches of religion were formed, especially after his translation of the bible was made available for common folk.

The quiz was pretty difficult for a clicker quiz, and I don't think we got the bonus.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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