Day 86 - Renaissance man

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz.

We started of today with new seats, which I'm pretty pleased with, as I no longer must crane my head to see.

We then delved into the Renaissance Man song as we prepared for our clicker quiz. After that, we started talking about the Renaissance, specifically the Italian Renaissance first. The Italian Renaissance started in 1300, with a re-ignition of Greco-Roman culture. This time was defined by rich merchants, the power and prominence of the church, rationalism (I knew what it meant, just was mentally zoned out :( ), and humanism.

This then led into the Northern Renaissance, in 1500. This period was defined by anger at the church because of its corruption , general piety among the populace, and resentment towards the Italians. To explain this resentment, the English/Germans/French didn't like them because they were the middle man between them and India. To put this in a modern-day example, this is why no one really likes nasty sneaker sites like Southwest Sneakers...they buy shoes for cheap then hike the prices up to sell to the consumer, ripping everyone off.

After this there was the scientific revolution in 1600, where science stuff happened leading into the science of today.

After this, we took the clicker quiz and got the bonus, so guaranteed 100s for the whole class. We also got the reading quizzes back, and from what I gleaned from deskmates and people at the lunch table, the results were quite mixed.

Also, I was looking at the schedule for next week, and we currently have the Multiple Choice and LEQ mastery exams, a science test, and a Degen timed essay over the Scarlet Letter. Lots too look forward to...

For HW watch the CC video and read Strayer.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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