Day 81 - Class of 2020 Profits as Mr. Profitt Returns

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz.

So first, class started off with Mr. Profitt graciously congratulating himself on his triumphant return to room A120, and finally winning his battle with the flue. He still had some battle scars, as one of his eyes had a popped blood vessel, making his eye look a little...demonic. Seems like most of the students have healed back up by now, so I don't foresee the school closing for more sick days anytime soon.

After welcoming back Mr. Profitt, we began studying for the clicker quiz. We then took the quiz, and while I hate to be a downer, there is no way that we got the bonus today, just too many questions with multiple wrong answers. But, I'd love to be surprised.

After the quiz, we started a lecture on the Early modern world's economy. One of the first things we went over is how most cities have negative impacts in a fiscal sense because they don't really give out much, but take a lot in taxes and other fees. A real world example of this would be Asher in my study group; he takes a whole lot but barely gives anything in return. Essentially, the whole topic the lecture covered was the transition from the land based economy to a world economy.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!

P.S. - I noticed that there is no WHAP assignment for Tuesday night, so because of that, you may have some extra free time. An idea on how to spend that free time would be to come watch the Jesuit Varsity and JV Bowling teams take on Nimitz in a tense divisional match up for the last playoff spot. The match starts at 6:30, and will feature fellow WHAP blogger Silas Hartman (Shartman) along with the outspoken 6th period WHAP personality of Jack Holloran.

USA BOWL - 6:30. Be there.


  1. Wow - you called Asher out there. And, nice plug for the bowling match. I expect everyone to be there.

  2. I remember being the one to go through the study guide, while you study battle strategy in Clash Royale. I think the nutmeg is affecting your memory.


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