Day 76 - The Great Sickness

Today in WHAP we took a moodle quiz.

First off, Mr. Profitt wasn’t at school today due to the flu. Noticeably, all of our classes had less people then normal as many people fell ill this weekend. Hopefully the don’t drown in make up work. Mr. Profitt will not be at school tomorrow either, according to the moodle page.

Something I was thinking about is I heard from a source (pretty iffy on credibility) that many of the Peruvian exchange students are coming down with the flu. Once I heard that, I immediately thought of the Columbian Exchange and how the natives became sick due to the diseases brought by the Europeans. Obviously the situation is quite different, but there are some similarities in that foreign sickness can nab you as it’s somehtung that you may not have been exposed to in your native country. Similarly, in Peru, foreigners visiting and even some that live in Peru can’t drink the water there or else it will make you sick due to the presence of bacteria that we aren’t used to in the U.S.

That aside, we then took a moodle quiz over the CC video and once that was finished, were given the freedom to work on some homework for WHAP.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


  1. The sickness even got to me, but at least we got some days off


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