Day 74 - 110%

Today in WHAP we took two clicker quizzes.

First, we started class off with review for the quizzes, and then for the first time in forever Mr. Profitt opened the floor for some questions. With a question about Mr. Profitt's personal opinion on if King Charles was a good king, Mr. Profitt said in short he agreed with how he couldn't really do anything as monarch because of the rulers of the subdivisions of the HRE along with having too large of a territory for one man to successfully govern.

Then, we went into another topic which I thought was pretty fascinating over Martin Luther. So Martin Luther is known for sparking the Protestant Reformation because of the 95 thesis' that he nailed to a church door, and which were eventually distributed with the printing press throughout the land. These thesis' were quite accusatory towards the church, but many people agreed with what he was saying. As a result, the HRE attempted to get Martin Luther to revoke his statement about the church at the Diet of Worms, a public meeting/debate kind of thing between Luther and the HRE.

Essentially the way this went down was that the HRE came in planning on toasting Luther and exposing him, and eventually getting him to declare his statements as heresy and back off. However, the way it actually went was Martin Luther ended up toasting the HRE, gained more supporters, and didn't renounce his views. Now in a normal situation, Luther would mysteriously disappear and never be heard from again. This situation, however, was much different than any before.

The nearby subdivisions of the land heard about all the ruckus that Luther was causing as being a real big thorn in the side of the Pope and Charles, who was trying to patch up his relationship with the pope as he had just recently decimated one of his cities. They must have been thinking along the lines of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, as they spirited Luther away from the Diet of Worms and hid him from Charles, keeping him alive for decades and protecting him from the HRE, just to stick it to o'l Charles.

If you were wondering what Martin Luther's main complaint against the church was, it was the selling of indulgences. Indulgences were a way to "pay to win" and to have sins forgiven and consequently have time taken off of one's purgatory by buying these indulgences with money. This angered Luther, rightfully so in my opinion, and inspired him to do what he did.

An important thing to note is that Luther didn't necessarily intend to attack the church in the country wide attack it became, but his thesis' were spread by the printing press unbeknownst to him, resulting in the publication of his issues with the Church.

After having this talk, we took the clicker quiz. The state of the art clicker quiz technology crashed after question 5, so as a result of being unable to tell how many questions we'd gotten wrong over the course of the quiz, we finished the quiz and Mr. Profitt gave everyone an 11/10. From what I understand all the other classes had their grades changed as well, so you're welcome other periods. Second time 6th period has come in clutch for you guys and gotten some free 100's. Maybe return the favor for us sometime :D

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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