Day 73 - CQ and DBQs

Today in WHAP we talked about DBQs.

First, we started class off by listening to a parody of "roar" which referenced the experiences of Columbus, as we studied for the clicker quiz. What I've found as we take these quizzes in this week full of clicker quizzes is that they are easier, probably because we've already gone over some of the information in a class lecture, which is another reason to be pro-lecture. Also, not having the strayer question and quite frankly just not having to read strayer makes the quizzes and class that much easier.

After taking the quiz, which we DID get the bonus on (well done 6th, two days in a row), we moved onto a nifty little powerpoint over DBQ's, or document based questions. Before today, I thought that these would be easier than anything we've learned yet since we don't really have to know much as the information is provided. That was an thought proved incorrect right as we started.

While the information is provided, the rubric seems to be a little pickier than a LEQ rubric. You need to tie together the sources and make sure to use most of them in the essay in order to get a solid score. On top of that, it's now out of a 7 point rubric instead of 6, so I suppose that leaves a little more room for error, but also makes it harder to get a perfect score.

We didn't go into any detail about exactly what we would need to do in order to get each point for the DBQ, and right about when we finished going over some of the stuff above, the bell rang and we were dismissed.

Until Tomorrow!


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